Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Borak Comel

*tengah kumpul semangat update blog*

Anyway, my hubby ni comel betul la *haha mati la puji laki sendiri*. Had this interesting conversation this morning.

MrComot: Tebal betul pompuan tu mekap..
Me: Tebal ke?
MrComot: A'ah..bertan-tan
Me: Mana ada tebal..biasa je..cuma dia pakai eyeshadow
MrComot: Tebal la..ada foundation lagi
Me: Foundation? Hahhhhh. You tahu ke foundation tu apa? Haha
MrComot: Alaaa...yang macam concealer tu
Me: Concealer? Wahhhh how come boleh keluar semua term-term ni?
MrComot: Mesti lah me tahu. Me watch Michelle Phan
Me: Hahhh? Hahahaha
MrComot: Ye lah..totti asyik tengok sampai me dah boleh hafal. Especially make-up japanese tu

Hahaha. Funny ok, for a guy like MrComot to know the makeup terms and to know Michelle Phan?

Actually there was a phase when Zahra loves watching makeup tutorial by Michelle Phan (like 2-3 months ago), and she watches it like everyday on the iPad. Haha so funny. But now dia bz tengok kids playing and toys by japanese pulak.

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